1. 科研项目
2. 著作
(1)《四川盆地南部下志留统龙马溪组页岩气成藏机理研究》( 陈尚斌*,朱炎铭 ),科学出版社,2019年10月;
3. 论文
(1)陈尚斌*,罗宁,翟成,林威,翟潇航,张瑛堃,张宇航,王阳,刘厅. 燃爆冲击载荷对页岩储层孔裂隙系统的改造作用特征. 煤炭学报,2023,48(2):869-878
(2)陈尚斌*,侯晓伟,屈晓荣,王阳,周宝艳,朱炎铭,苏育飞,刘正. 煤系气叠置含气系统与天然气成藏特征——以沁水盆地榆社—武乡示范区为例. 天然气工业,2023,43(5)12-22
(3)张宇航,陈尚斌*,张瑛堃,李学元,王阳,林威,彭一轩. 基于热模拟实验的页岩孔隙连通性与形状系数演化及其地质意义. 地质学报,2023,97(8):2702-2714
(4)Huijun Wang, Shangbin Chen*, Shaojie Zhang, Tengyu Wang, Zhenrui Gao, Yuhang Zhang, Yixuan Peng. Experimental and numerical simulation studies on the imbibition front of different rocks in coal-measure gas composite reservoir. Gas Science and Engineering, 2023, 119: 205132
(5)Xueyuan Li, Shangbin Chen*, Jianfa Wu*, Jian Zhang, Shengxian Zhao, Ziqiang Xia, Yang Wang, Shaojie Zhang, Junjian Zhang. Microscopic Occurrence and movability mechanism of pore water in deep shale gas reservoirs: A typical case study of the Wufeng-Longmaxi Formation, Luzhou block, Sichuan Basin. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2023, 151:106205
(6)Huijun Wang, Shangbin Chen*, Shaojie Zhang, Chengxing Zhang, Yang Wang, Gaofeng Yi, Yixuan Peng. Study on fracture characteristics in coal and shale for coal-measure gas reservoir based on 3D CT reconstruction and fractal features. Frontiers of Earth Science, 2023, 17(2): 514–526
(7)Yingkun Zhang, Shangbin Chen*, Xiaohang Zhai, Jamil Khan, Yuhang Zhang. Brazilian splitting experiment and finite element simulation analysis of the influence of bedding loading angle on shale fracture mode. Natural Gas Industry B, 2023, 10(6): 602-612
(8)Xueyuan Li, Shangbin Chen*, Yiwen Wang, Yingkun Zhang, Yang Wang, Jianfa Wu, Junjian Zhang, Jamil Khan. Influence of pore structure particularity and Pore water on the occurrence of deep shale gas: Wufeng-Longmaxi Formation, Luzhou Block, Sichuan Basin. Natural Resources Research, 2022, 31(3): 1403-1423
(9)Shangbin Chen*, Zhuo Gong, Xueyuan Li, Huijun Wang, Yang Wang,Yingkun Zhang. Pore structure and heterogeneity of shale gas reservoirs and its effect on gas storage capacity in the Qiongzhusi Formation. Geoscience Frontiers, 2021,12(6): 101244
(10)Shangbin Chen*, Shuanghong Yao, Yang Wang, Shimin Liu, Xiaoqi Wang, Yingkun Zhang, Huijun Wang. Investigation of Pore Evolution and Variation with Magma Intrusion on Permian Gufeng Shale formation and Their Implications on Gas Enrichment. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2021, 96, 104277
(11)Shangbin Chen*, Xueyuan Li, Yang Wang, Zhaoxi Zuo, Yufu Han. Evolution mechanism of material composition-pore structure-adsorption property in marine shale based on pyrolysis experiments: A typical case of the Xiamaling Formation. Energy & Fuel, 2021, 35: 1090-1103
(12)Shangbin Chen*, Xueyuan Li, Si Chen, Yang Wang, Zhuo Gong, Yingkun Zhang. A new application of Atomic Force Microscopy in characterization of pore structure and pore contribution in shale gas reservoirs. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2021, 88: 103802.
(13)Shangbin Chen*, Chu Zhang, Xueyuan Li, Yingkun Zhang, Xiaoqi Wang. Simulation of methane adsorption in diverse organic pores in shale reservoirs with multi-period geological evolution. International Journal of Coal Science & Technology, 2021, 8(5): 844-855 (入选中国科协第八届优秀科技论文)
(14)Shangbin Chen*, Huijun Wang, Yang Wang, Tianguo jiang, Yingkun Zhang, Zhuo Gong. Differences in shale gas accumulation process and its significance in exploration of Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation in Northeast Yunnan. Frontiers of Earth Science , 2021, 15(2): 343-359
(15)Huijun Wang, Shangbin Chen*, Xueyuan Li, Jamil Khan. Quantitative Characterization of Fracture in the Coal of Shanxi and Taiyuan Formations Based on an Image Processing Method and Multifractal Theory. Energy & Fuels, 2021, 35, 15, 12019–12029
(16)Zhang Chu, Shangbin Chen*, Yu Liu, Si Chen, Xueyuan Li. Mechanism of methane adsorption on groove space in organic matter surface. Molecular Simulation, 2019, 45(3): 186-198
(17)Xueyuan Li, Shangbin Chen*, Xiaoqi Wang, Yanming Zhu, Minghua Chang, Clementine Uwamahoro. Pore Structure Heterogeneity of the Xiamaling Formation Shale Gas Reservoir in the Yanshan Area of China: Evaluation of Geological Controlling Factors. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2019, 93(3): 588-603
(18)Shangbin Chen*, Zhaoxi Zuo, Tim A. Moore, Yufu Han, Clementine Uwamahoro. Nanoscale pore changes in a marine shale: A case study using pyrolysis experiments and nitrogen adsorption. Energy & Fuels, 2018, 32(9): 9020-903
(19)Si Chen, Shangbin Chen*, Uwamahoro Clementine, Yu Liu, Chu Zhang. Reservoir diffusion properties of the Longmaxi shale in the Shizhu area, Southern Sichuan Basin, China. Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 2018, 36(5): 1086-1102
(20)Shangbin Chen*, Yanming Zhu, Si Chen, Yufu Han, Changqing Fu, Junhua Fang. Hydrocarbon generation and shale gas accumulation in the Longmaxi Formation, Southern Sichuan Basin, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2017, 86: 248-258
(21)Yufu Han, Shangbin Chen*,Yanming Zhu, ZhaoxiZuo, Shuai Zhou. Micro and nano-size pore characteristics of clay minerals in a shale reservoir of the Longmaxi Formation in the Middle and Upper Yangtze area, China. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2017, 17(9): 6508-6517
(22)Shangbin Chen*, Yufu Han, Changqing Fu, Han Zhang, Yanming Zhu, Zhaoxi Zuo. Micro and nano-size poresof clay minerals in shale reservoirs: implication for the accumulation of shale gas. Sedimentary Geology, 2016, 342: 180-190
(23)Shangbin Chen*, Yanming Zhu, Yong Qin, Hongyan Wang, Honglin Liu, JunhuaFang. Reservoir evaluation of the Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation shale gas in the southern Sichuan Basin of China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2014, 57: 619-630
(24)Shangbin Chen*, Yanming Zhu, Hongyan Wang, Honglin Liu, Wei Wei, Junhua Fang. Shale gas reservoir characterisation: A typical case in the southern Sichuan Basin of China. Energy, 2011, 36(11): 6609-6616 (ESI高被引论文)
(25)Shangbin Chen*, Yanming Zhu, Wu Li, Hui Wang, The influence of magma intrusion on gas outburst in a low rank coal mine. International Journal of Mining Science and Technology, 2012, 22(2): 259-266
(26)龚卓,陈尚斌*,李学元,王慧军. 基于AFM的巫溪2井页岩储层孔隙特征研究. 煤炭科学技术,2022,50(7):216-223
(27)张瑛堃,陈尚斌*,李学元,王慧军. 页岩气储层水力压裂模拟技术及扩展有限元法的应用. 天然气地球科学,2021,32(1):109-118
(28)向杰,陈尚斌*,王阳,蒋天国,薛晓辉,王笑奇,朱炎铭. 断裂体系对页岩气保存的影响——以滇东北地区五峰-龙马溪组为例. 煤炭学报,2021
(30)姚双宏,李学元,李澎,王慧军,陈尚斌*. 巨鹿地区石炭系-二叠系富有机质页岩孔隙结构特征及微观非均质性. 特种油气藏,2020,27(4):41-48
(31)王慧军,张晓波*,李海龙,葛伟亚,陈尚斌*. 中国城市地质发展历程与特点. 地质论评. 2019,65(5):1229-1239
(32)陈尚斌*,张楚,刘宇. 页岩气赋存状态及其分子模拟研究进展与展望. 煤炭科学技术,2018,46(1):36-44
(33)左兆喜,张晓波,陈尚斌*,司庆红,张超,刘正. 煤系页岩气储层非均质性研究——以宁武盆地太原组和山西组为例. 地质学报,2017,91(5):1130-1140
(34)陈尚斌*. 页岩储层微观结构及其吸附非均质性研究评述. 煤炭科学技术,2016,44(6):23-32
(35)左兆喜,陈尚斌*,史乾,韩宇富. 激光拉曼法在高-过成熟页岩及煤成熟度评价中的应用. 岩矿测试,2016,35(2):193-198
(36)陈尚斌*,左兆喜,朱炎铭,付常青,张寒. 页岩气储层有机质成熟度测试方法适用性研究. 天然气地球科学,2015,26(3):564-574
(37)陈尚斌*,秦勇,王阳,张寒,左兆喜. 中上扬子区海相页岩气储层孔隙结构非均质性特征. 天然气地球科学,2015,26(8):1455-1463
(38)陈尚斌*,夏筱红,秦勇,付常青,胡琳. 川南富集区龙马溪组页岩气储层孔隙结构分类. 煤炭学报,2013,38(5):760-765
(39)陈尚斌*,朱炎铭,王红岩,刘洪林,魏伟,方俊华. 川南龙马溪组页岩气储层纳米孔隙结构特征及其成藏意义.煤炭学报,2012,37(3):438-444(入选F5000,入选“中国百篇最具影响国内学术论文(2016年)”)
(40)陈尚斌*,朱炎铭,王红岩,刘洪林,魏伟,方俊华. 四川盆地南缘下志留统龙马溪组页岩气储层矿物成分特征及意义. 石油学报,2011,32(5):775-782(入选F5000)
(41)陈尚斌*,朱炎铭,李伍,罗跃,王怀勐,钟和清. 扬子区页岩气和煤层气联合研究开发的地质分析及优选.辽宁工程技术大学学报(自然科学版),2011,30(5):658-663
(42)陈尚斌*,朱炎铭,王红岩,刘洪林,魏伟,罗跃,李伍. 中国页岩气研究现状与发展趋势.石油学报,2010,31(4):689-694(入选F5000)
4. 其他
(1)陈尚斌,姚双宏,李学元,王阳,王慧军,龚卓. 低场核磁共振测定页岩黏土与脆性矿物相对含量的方法,2021.中国发明专利,ZL202010494997.6
(2)陈尚斌,李学元,陈司,龚卓,王阳,王慧军. 基于AFM的页岩孔隙度计算及组分孔隙贡献评价方法,2021.中国发明专利,ZL202010619791.1
(5)Chen Shangbin, Wang Yiwen, Wu Jianfa, Zhang Jian, Zhao Shengxian, Wang Yang, Wang Huijun, Li Xueyuan. Comprehensive characterization method of shale full-scale pore structure heterogeneity characteristics, 2021/07610, Republic of South Africa, 2021-12-22.
(6)王阳,陈尚斌,向杰,曹庆舜,张彤. 一种可视化页岩吸附变形试验装置及其使用方法,2022. 中国发明专利,ZL202110871573.1
(7)王阳,向杰,陈尚斌,张彤,曹庆舜. 一种煤系复合储层封闭孔隙及连通性的表征方法,2022. 中国发明专利,ZL202110873856.X
(8)Shangbin Chen, Xueyuan Li, Si Chen, Zhuo Gong, Yang Wang, Huijun Wang. AFM-Based Shale Porosity Calculation and Component Pore Contribution Evaluation Method, Intellectual Property Office, 2023. 英国发明专利,GB2601238
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