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陈同俊,男,19773月出生,安徽舒城人,博士研究生学历,博士学位,教授职称,博士生导师。江苏省青蓝工程中青年学术带头人(2018),斯坦福大学和英国国家地质调查局访问学者。主持国家重点研发计划项目课题1项、国家自然科学基金项目3项、其它纵向和横向科研项目近30项。《Journal of Geological Research》和《石油物探》等期刊编委,《International Journal of Coal Geology》、《Geophysics》、《Petroleum science》、《Journal of Geophysics and Engineering》、《Minerals》、《Journal of Geosciences》、《地球物理学报》、《煤炭学报》和《煤田地质与勘探》等国内外重要学术期刊审稿人。获省部级科技奖励4项,获欧洲地球科学家与工程师学会(EAGE)主办国际会议最佳论文奖1次(2018),出版专著4部、获授权发明专利4项、获软件注册权7项,在国内外主流学术期刊和重要学术会议上发表学术论文60余篇。主要研究方向为:地震勘探、储层预测、地应力预测、岩石物理、矿井物探等。


















[1] Zhang, Yabing, Tongjun Chen*, Yang Liu, and Hejun Zhu. "High-Temporal-Accuracy Viscoacoustic Wave Propagation Based on K-Space Compensation and the Fractional Zener Model." Article; Early Access. Surveys in Geophysics (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10712-022-09765-6.

[2] Zhang, Yabing, Tongjun Chen*, Hejun Zhu, Yang Liu, Tao Xing, and Xin Zhang. "Approximating Constant-Q Seismic Wave Propagations in Acoustic and Elastic Media Using a Cole-Cole Model." Article. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 113, no. 1 (Feb 2023): 312-32. https://doi.org/10.1785/0120220143.

[3] Qiao, Zhihao, Tongjun Chen, and Chengyu Sun. "Anisotropic Attenuation Compensated Reverse Time Migration of Pure Qp-Wave in Transversely Isotropic Attenuating Media." Review. Surveys in Geophysics 43, no. 5 (Oct 2022): 1435-67. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10712-022-09717-0.

[4] Wang, Xin, Changwei Ding, Tongjun Chen, and Ting Yu. "Research on the Application of Bayesian-Optimized Xgboost in Minor Faults in Coalfields." Article. Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2022 (Apr 14 2022): 3409468. https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/3409468.

[5] Zhang, Yabing, Tongjun Chen*, Yang Liu, Hejun Zhu, Guanghui Zhu, and Yunfei Niu. "Viscoelastic Wave Propagation in Transversely Isotropic Media Based on Constant-Order Fractional Polynomial Approximations." Article. Geophysics 87, no. 5 (Sep-Oct 2022): T363-T79. https://doi.org/10.1190/geo2021-0837.1.

[6] Zhang, Yabing, Yang Liu, Hejun Zhu, Tongjun Chen, and Juanjuan Li. "Modified Viscoelastic Wavefield Simulations in the Time Domain Using the New Fractional Laplacians." Article. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering 19, no. 3 (May 24 2022): 346-61. https://doi.org/10.1093/jge/gxac022.

[7] Zhao, Liming, Tongjun Chen*, Tapan Mukerji, Mingjin Zhang, and Tao Xing. "Brown and Korringa's Expression for the Saturated Bulk Modulus at High Frequencies: Modification of Mavko and Jizba's Squirt Flow Model." Article. Geophysics 87, no. 4 (Jul-Aug 2022): MR201-MR08. https://doi.org/10.1190/geo2021-0496.1.

[8] Zhao, Liming, Tongjun Chen*, Xin Zhang, and Tao Xing. "The Frequency Dependence of Poisson's Ratio in Fluid-Saturated Rocks." Article. Geofluids 2022 (Aug 31 2022): 1900859. https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/1900859.

[9] Zhao, Liming, Hanjun Yin, Tongjun Chen*, Genyang Tang, Chao Sun, Mingjin Zhang, Ningjun Zhu, and Fanjia Li. "Theoretical Prediction of Elastic Modulus at Different States and Squirt-Flow-Related Attenuation: Extension of Cracks-Pores Effective Medium Model." Article. Geophysical Journal International 229, no. 1 (Dec 16 2022): 186-202.https://doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggab461.

[10] Chen, Tongjun, Zhijun Lin, Zuiliang Liu, and Tapan Mukerji. "A Comparative Experiment on Heterogeneous Distributions of Stress Field for Underground Panels with Different Geological Setting in North China." Article. Ieee Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 60 (2022 2022). https://doi.org/10.1109/tgrs.2021.3098054.

[11] Chen, Tongjun, and Xiong Song. "Are Coal-Hosted Gallium-Rich Ores Elastically Detectable: A Rock-Physics Modeling Perspective." Article. Minerals 12, no. 12 (Dec 2022): 1619. https://doi.org/10.3390/min12121619.

[12] Hu, Yong, Tongjun Chen*, Li-Yun Fu, Ru-Shan Wu, Yongzhong Xu, Liguo Han, and Xingguo Huang. "A 2-D Local Correlative Misfit for Least-Squares Reverse Time Migration with Sparsity Promotion." Article. Ieee Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 60 (2022 2022): 5911913. https://doi.org/10.1109/tgrs.2022.3150783.

[13] Liu, Zuiliang, Ji Wang, Tongjun Chen*, Guoqing Wu, and Gang Li. "Seismic Time-Lapse Monitoring of Gas Drainage in an Underground Coal Working Face." Article. International Journal of Coal Geology 237 (Mar 15 2021): 103712. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.coal.2021.103712.

[14] Zhao, Liming, Tongjun Chen*, Tapan Mukerji, and Genyang Tang. "Bulk Modulus for Fluid-Saturated Rocks at High Frequency: Modification of Squirt Flow Model Proposed by Mavko & Jizba." Article. Geophysical Journal International 225, no. 3 (Jun 2021): 1714-24. https://doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggab060.

[15] Zhao, Liming, Tongjun Chen*, and Genyang Tang. "Bulk Modulus for Fluid-Saturated Rocks at Intermediate Frequencies: Modification of Squirt Flow Model Proposed by Gurevich Et Al." Article. Geophysical Journal International 226, no. 1 (Jul 2021): 246-55. https://doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggab100.

[16] Li, Wan, Tongjun Chen*, Xiong Song, Tianqi Gong, and Mengyue Liu. "Reconstruction of Critical Coalbed Methane Logs with Principal Component Regression Model: A Case Study." Article. Energy Exploration & Exploitation 38, no. 4 (Jul 2020): 1178-93 0144598720909470. https://doi.org/10.1177/0144598720909470.

[17] Wang, Xin, Tongjun Chen*, and Hui Xu. "Thickness Distribution Prediction for Tectonically Deformed Coal with a Deep Belief Network: A Case Study." Article. Energies 13, no. 5 (Mar 2020): 1169. https://doi.org/10.3390/en13051169.

[18] Chen, Tongjun, Guodong Ma, Xin Wang, and Ruofei Cui. "Deformation Degree Estimate for Coal Seam Using Well Logs as Input: A Case Study." Article. Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics 23, no. 1 (Mar 2018): 89-101. https://doi.org/10.2113/jeeg23.1.89.

[19] Chen, Hongdong, Bo Jiang, Tongjun Chen, Shaochun Xu, and Guanyu Zhu. "Experimental Study on Ultrasonic Velocity and Anisotropy of Tectonically Deformed Coal." Article. International Journal of Coal Geology 179 (Jun 15 2017): 242-52. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.coal.2017.06.003.

[20] Chen, Tongjun, Tapan Mukerji, and Linming Dou. "A Correlation Radius Estimate between in-Panel Faults and High-Stress Areas Using Monte Carlo Simulation and Point Process Statistics." Article. International Journal of Coal Geology 175 (Apr 15 2017): 51-62. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.coal.2017.04.001.

[21] Wang, Xin, Yan Li, Tongjun Chen*, Qiuyan Yan, and Li Ma. "Quantitative Thickness Prediction of Tectonically Deformed Coal Using Extreme Learning Machine and Principal Component Analysis: A Case Study." Article. Computers & Geosciences 101 (Apr 2017): 38-47. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cageo.2017.02.001.

[22] Chen, Tongjun, Xin Wang, and Tapan Mukerji. "In Situ Identification of High Vertical Stress Areas in an Underground Coal Mine Panel Using Seismic Refraction Tomography." Article. International Journal of Coal Geology 149 (Sep 1 2015): 55-66. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.coal.2015.07.007.


[1] 丁昌伟,王新,陈同俊,余婷.贝叶斯优化的XGBoost在小断层地震解释中的应用[J/OL].煤炭学报:1-13[2023-04-12].DOI:10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2021.1932.

[2] 王惠风,符超,李果,陈同俊*.大倾角煤层时深转换精度分析及改进方法[J].煤田地质与勘探,2022,50(10):145-150.

[3] 马丽,陈同俊*,王新,马国栋.构造煤厚度定量预测技术新进展[J].煤田地质与勘探,2018,46(05):66-72.

[4] 金俊俊,陈同俊*,李娟娟.AVO技术预测构造煤实例研究[J].地球物理学进展,2018,33(04):1501-1506.

[5] 郎玉泉,陈同俊*,马丽,马国栋.煤层顶板砂岩富水性AVO预测技术[J].煤田地质与勘探,2018,46(03):127-132.

[6] 韦瑜,陈同俊,江晓雨,崔若飞.基于地震反演和层次分析的N_2红土层采动破坏评价方法研究[J].地球物理学进展,2018,33(02):860-865.

[7] 马国栋,陈同俊*,崔若飞.测井曲线识别构造煤实例研究[J].地球物理学进展,2017,32(03):1208-1216.

[8] 韦瑜,陈同俊,江晓雨,崔若飞.基于褶积模型的地震反演方法在煤田地质勘探中的应用[J].地球物理学进展,2017,32(03):1258-1265.

[9] 管永伟,陈同俊*,崔若飞,赵立明,彭刘亚.声波阻抗反演识别陷落柱研究[J].地球物理学进展,2016,31(03):1320-1326.

[10] 管永伟,陈同俊*,崔若飞,李明,彭刘亚,赵立明,张明川.煤层冲刷带地震响应特征及其与煤层瓦斯突出的相关性分析[J].地球物理学进展,2016,31(01):191-197.



1. 河北省煤炭学会科学技术成果奖一等奖(第四),2020年;

2. 江苏省“青蓝工程”中青年学术带头人,2018年;

3. 欧洲地球科学家与工程师学会(EAGE)主办国际会议最佳论文奖,2018年;

4. 陕西省科学技术奖二等奖(第九),2017年;

5. 中国地球物理学会科学技术奖三等奖(第四),2016年;

6. 山东省煤炭科学技术奖二等奖(第四),2006年;

7. 江苏省优秀硕士学位论文奖,2006.

8. 山东省科学技术奖三等奖(第六),2005年;



    • 本科招生:0516-83590960、0516-83590999
    • 研究生招生:0516-83591012
    • 就业工作:0516-83590980
